My Finance Class

Welcome to My Finance Class, the official website for Financial Services and BPA at Northwest High School.

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“Every day in FS was a day to remember and being in Clark’s class was like being on a episode of magic school bus: you really never knew what was going to happen!” 

Tae Love, 2024

“I don’t think I would be where I am today if it wasn’t for Financial Services. So thank you Clark and thank you for everything you do for your students and all the ways you support us.” 

Lauren Clippard, 2023

“I like how relaxed this class is. If I had to give a Yelp review, it would be 5 stars! It is a place of security and a release for many students. It offers a ton of knowledge and resources. No two days are the same.”

Myles Blackwell, 2022

"I will definitely remember Financial Services, whether it's for all the goofy entrepreneur ideas that we came up with, or just the atmosphere that was always in the room."

Isaac Weitz, 2021

"Financial Services has allowed me to expand my interests, capitalize on opportunities I wouldn’t have before, and grow as an individual."

Jon Romero, 2020

"Mr. Clark cares for his students, and I mean really cares. He feeds us, inspires us, and pushes us to become greater people."

Trey Williams, 2019

“Mr. Clark was the best teacher I have ever had. Not only did he teach me about business, but he also was a mentor and a major influence in turning me into the man I am today.”

Malcolm McEwen, 2018
“My junior year in Financial Services has brought about countless memories, ranging from small comments made in class all the way up to a week-long trip to Boston for National Competitions. Along the way, I grew passionate about BPA and FS and want to continue getting more involved."
Jason Hentz, 2017
“All of the trips that we took in this class were so much fun … I have learned so much about myself going through these events."
 Ceairrah Duffy, 2016
"Financial Services has been one of the best experiences of my high school career. Everything I learned in this class will stay with me for the rest of my life.”
 Lilly Dominguez, 2015
"My journey in Financial Services has been one of the greatest things I have ever been through and I’m very grateful that I had the chance to experience this.”
 DaQuan Fletcher, 2014
“Being a part of Financial Services has been one of the best opportunities of my high school career. I am so thankful I was able to come into the program!”
Jessica Fiorini, 2013
“I looked forward to this class every day because of the atmosphere and the amazing times we all had together. Financial Services made everyone in this class feel like a family and made me feel like I was part of an amazing group.”
Josh Eberhard, 2014
"I'm so glad I got to experience becoming an executive officer, going to state competitions, attending fall leadership conference, visiting The Ohio State University, touring the University of Cincinnati, and being part of all the gatherings we had throughout the year."
 Emani Thompson, 2015
“Financial Services has opened my eyes to the real world. I have learned how to file taxes, what to look for in contracts, the different types of insurance you need, how supply and demand works, and many other things that you wouldn’t learn in other classes."
Taylor Cole, 2016

“One of the things I enjoyed most about Financial Services was that we got to play around and make jokes. Most teachers don’t get to know their kids and have fun with them, but with Mr. Clark it’s a whole different story. He loves his job and always makes learning fun."

Brandon Mueller, 2017

“This class has pushed and challenged me in ways I never expected. This class made me get out of my shell and I will forever be grateful for that. Plus, I have accomplished things that I didn’t think I would accomplish until I was in my twenties. I had an absolute blast.”

Abby Cira, 2018

"My journey through Financial Services has been one that has changed my life forever." 

Anna Lemon, 2019

"My favorite memory in FS was making it to nationals my junior year with the best Small Business Management team in the world. It was the best feeling I have ever felt in my life and will always cherish that moment."

Lauryn Russell, 2020

"My favorite thing about Financial Services is that we are able to learn about topics that will help us later in life, like how to budget our money and how to file our taxes."

Jenna Hoelmer, 2021

“Clark is the kind of teacher you will only find once in a lifetime. Clark has shown all of us how much he cares for us on so many occasions and I really appreciate that. Clark always makes sure his students are safe, cared for and loved and you can't find many people like that.”

Alexis Hughes, 2022

“Financial Services has changed my life for the better because it helped me set goals about the things I want to accomplish in life.” 

Malachi Snow, 2023

“Financial Services will forever remain the most memorable class I have ever taken and one that has had the greatest impact on me.” 

Kemi Igbonegun, 2024

“My experience in FS has really been one to remember! I have made so many memories that I will keep forever and I also have been able to make amazing friends that I wouldn’t have met or been close to without this class.” 

Kate White, 2023

“It has been wild, but it has been awesome this year. I have learned so much useful information that will help me from now on.” 

Haley Meece, 2022

“Inside jokes, field trips, secrets, deep conversations, and lots of Ramen are just a few of the things Financial Services students get to experience together.”

Ana Lu Gehner, 2021

"So many amazing things that come with this class. I have learned so much, that will help me in life and with my future. This class was the best because it wasn't the same, everyday was something new and different."

Camryn Hagl, 2020

"When I got the letter that I was accepted into Financial Services, I never thought I would learn so many things that soon would leave a big impact on me and help open so many different opportunities."

Lacey Jones, 2019

“This class has made me feel very prepared for the future and I can’t wait to use what I’ve learned.”

Hannah Osae, 2018

“The most meaningful thing to me about Financial Services was learning different things everyday … things that I will actually use outside of school, things that will help me with my future. Everything that we learned will help me later in life.”

Leigha Smith, 2017
“Mr. Clark not only cares about his students, but he considers us family. And although he has new students every year, it seems that he remembers everybody and anybody. He makes every interaction with every one of his students personal. I am beyond thankful ..."
Trevor Barton, 2016
“I love the experience in Financial Services because you learn multiple things that you will actually use in life.”
Connor VanSteelandt, 2015
“Financial Services is the type of class where you get exactly what you put into it, and that’s why it has been the most rewarding class I could have ever taken in my four years at Northwest.”
 Alexandra Roelofs, 2014
“I will aways remember this class because of how fun it was and how helpful of a teacher Mr. Clark was.”
Cameron Horne, 2013
“I like how I am able to take what I learn in Financial Services and spread it throughout my entire life. When I’m out with friends or even in another class, I’ll relate things we talk about with things I learn in FS.”
Shannon Linz, 2014
"I enjoyed this class more than any other because the lessons that were taught didn't just apply to the class, but to my life and my future. I have learned how to interview, how to budget, what insurance to buy, how to apply to for a job, and how to help others do the same."
 Stephanie Russell, 2015
“Junior year in Financial Services was great, fun, and it helped me to grow. I am really looking forward to Senior Financial Services next year!”
 Kobe Brown, 2016
“This year has been very fun and unforgettable. I couldn’t imagine what my year would have been like if I didn’t take this class.”
Mikayla Nutting, 2017

“Some of my favorite memories from FS include competing at State, going on field trips, going outside and taking class pictures, coming in for prep on the weekends, and last but not least, just having fun and interesting talks in class.”

Brandon Bennett, 2018

"Clark is the greatest teacher ever. He is the heart of this family. There is no other teacher who would dedicate as much of their free time as Clark does."

Dylan Hodge, 2019
"I will most definitely miss this class because of the endless memories we all made together; memories that will not be made anywhere else as they will always be exclusive to your class and the people in it."

Dylan Benz, 2020

"I love everything about this class. The class is funny and my classmates make it even better by just making it feel good and where you can really be yourself."

Caleb Gaines, 2021

“Being a part of Financial Services has been a blessing. I have really enjoyed Mr. Clark’s teaching and how he helps me. I also have enjoyed being with my friends and all the group activities that we do together. I will miss it!”

Kolby Reynolds, 2022

“I will remember this time in FS because it taught me so much, I had so many laughs throughout the time, and it made me closer with people I didn’t think I would ever be close with.” 

Jamauree Thrasher, 2023

“Clark’s class will have an impact on your life no matter what career path you take because we all need to learn about how to manage our finances.” 

Keila Richardson, 2024

“Thank you Clark for making high school less school and more fun … and thank you for all the great memories!” 

Mike Jones, 2023

“I know without a doubt that what I’ve learned in class will be super helpful as I make my way into adulthood. Without the things I know now, I wouldn’t have wanted to start a small business myself, but now I'm motivated to do exactly that!” 

Kendaile Cooper, 2022

“This class is full of great people, good opportunities and an amazing teacher!”

Cameron Wharton, 2021

"I wanted to thank you for being you and for changing my life. Because of your impact on my life, I am majoring in finance to become an investment banker. This will provide the knowledge and capital I need to establish my own business and make a difference on others’ lives, as you have."

Justin Hauser, 2020

"This class has taught me a lot about myself and what I want my future to be like."

Samantha Cain, 2019

“This has been a very fun and exciting experience to be part of FS for the past two years. I absolutely love the environment when I walk into this class … it’s like being at home with my family.”

Tyler Scott, 2018

"No matter what you do in life, you need to know everything about personal finance. You need to know about the job market. You need to know about incomes. You need to know about benefits. No matter who you are and what your job is, you need to know this information. And luckily, I already know it all before graduating high school."

Kaitlyn Hayes, 2017
“Financial Services was my favorite class, not only because of the class but also because of the people in it and the teacher teaching it. Going in, I heard a lot of good things about the class and these two years showed me why everyone wanted to get into FS.”
Ayman El Qasem, 2016
"I still can't wrap my head around the fact that I won't be sitting in this same seat next year, but I know I'll be doing just fine because FS helped me figure out what I want to do in life."
 Alyssa Mueller, 2015
“When I saw Financial Services as a career program option, I knew I had to take the opportunity to try it out. I know a lot of Colerain students would probably be freaked out by the thought of coming to a new school every day, but I would encourage them to do it. You make new friends, learn about the world of business, and figure out what you want to study in college.”
  Tanner Biehl, 2014
“My experience in Financial Services has been one for the books. Ever since my first visit to room 317 my sophomore year, I couldn’t imagine my high school career without this class.”
Dillon Salter, 2013

“When I reflect back on Financial Services, I think of the amazing people I met, the interesting class work and projects we did, the useful business skills that I learned, and all the trips and activities we did as a class.”

Josh Eberhard, 2014

“When I stepped into Financial Services, I never thought it would affect me as much as it did. I learned things that I will use my whole life … and I loved all the field trips we went on because they were learning experiences and they were also a ton of fun.”

Brandon Schon, 2015

“There have been so many moments in Financial Services, but my most memorable was participating in the BPA competitions with my friends. I really enjoyed doing the competitions and can’t wait until next year."

Maya Gulliford, 2016

“One of the best decisions that I have made was taking this class. I can truly say that the Financial Services junior class is crazy, but I have definitely enjoyed this unique experience.”

Fatimah Shabazz, 2017

“Financial Services is one of the most memorable classes that I have ever taken. I honestly do not know how my life would have been if I did not take this class.”

Anita Oranusi, 2018

"I knew from the first day of classes with Clark that Financial Services was going to be the best two years of my life."

Non Sy, 2019

"Mr. Clark is an incredible teacher and a kind-hearted person. I admire you for everything you do for your students and the sacrifices you make for each one of us."

Bella Scalia, 2020

"Financial Services has been a pleasure and an honor. For so many years this class has brought me nothing but joy and friends who I now consider family."

Cameron Wharton, 2021

“One thing I will never forget is the first time competing in BPA and coming in first with my boys! There have been many ups and downs in this class but I enjoyed them all. You are definitely the best teacher in the school no doubt because you are chill, funny and we can all make jokes and just have fun.”

Seth Warren, 2022

“For the past two years I have always been excited to come into this class because the class is more than just business and accounting, this class is like a family.”

Michael Brockert, 2023



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Lauris Barnes, Keylan Cain, Kurt Dove, Youssef Elkhalili, Dylan Frey, Roselynn Hoffman, Jeremiah Jackson, Julius Jackson, Presley Kanlinsou, Joshua Knight, Zachery Lang, Jayden Law, Tucker Likens, Ryan Massung, Nyomi Moore, Lucas Robinson, Parker Seibel, Gavin Shipp Kullgren, Kohen Smith, Abdoulaye Sow, Rebecca Staigl, Azaria Standifer, Camerian Straughn, Aaron Sturgis, Brady Swisshelm, Rodney Watson




Madysen Abel Kelly, Karlee Behymer, Mitsy Briceno Lopez, Jackson Calloway, Hayden Danielson, Jimiyah Denson, Tanner Felix, Cadence Fette, Jaydin Hagga, Malkia Karagwa, Cali Kuhl, John Macias, Coreim McGinnis, Jasmine Molina Rodriguez, Gabby Morris, Amiyah Ortiz, Junior Pena Torres, David Quao, Ashley Shelton, DonAsia Sims, Kaliah Smith, Ni Jhaya St. Clair, Aman Subba, Jaylin Thrasher, Chrisalyn Turner, Meyli Ventura Velasquez, Izaki Wampeti, D'Angel Wilson, Mykel Youmans




Rowan Abrams, Lily Anaruma, Landon Bowling, Hannah Childs, Miore Cunningham, Noah Denson, William Frey, John Garcia, Julius Gates, Shakilah Graham, India Hill, Lashae Hughley, Kemi Igbonegun , Jamiya Ingram, Deakon Johnstone, Alayna Jones, LJ Jones, Tae Love, Naomi Martin, Mikayla McKenzie, Nick Miller, Syriana Molina Rodriguez , Sean Perry, Edna Ramirez, Keila Richardson, Fernando Ruiz, AJ Shelton, Diego Villagran Ventura, Nathan Weitz




Michael Brockert, Abby Butler, Noah Calvin, Megan Carroll, Jeremy Cheatham, Lauren Clippard, LeSean Dickerson, Grace Gehner, Sierra Goldick, Fernando Guzman, Brayden Hauser, Lauren Humphrey, Natalie Jasper, Mike Jones, Nathan Love, Madeline Mecklenborg, Elorm Nevis, Cameron Partin, Kavon Short, Malachi Snow, Emma Stouffer, Jamauree Thrasher, Kate White, Sion Willis, Diego Yun




Jenna Adleta, Marty Alejo, Alexis Bach, Myles Blackwell, Francis Bungabong, Kendaile Cooper, Jaydin Hagans, Ethan Hang, Emily Hernendez, Landden Hill, Morgan Hines, Lenya Hooper, Alexis Hughes, Nikki Jones, DJ Jones, Jalen Martin, Haley Meece, Tim Montgomery, Nicholas Moore, Daniel Morris, Kolby Reynolds, Adam Rowland, Kenyon Smith, Angel Soriano, Seth Warren, Christian Williams




Robbie Brockert, Keith Carpenter, Ryan Dearinger, Brandon Dickey, Elijah Douglas, Andy Fishburn, Caleb Gaines, Ana Lu Gehner, Gabby Harper, Desani Hill, Jenna Hoelmer, Elijah Horton, Jeffrey King, Steven Lance, Keith Love, Sandy Mongar, James Moore, Diego Neri, Georgina Osae, Nirmal Phuyal, Trinity Robinson, David Russell, Javon Smith, Tanner Toole, Isaac Weitz, Cameron Wharton, Simeon Willis




Kaleb Amofa, Quinton Baird, Dominic Baldrick, Dylan Benz, Milli Boni, Carleigh Boyd, Daija Brown, Koby Brown, Paige Brown, Zaire Buntin, Simon Coffey, Michael Cordray, Adrian Dykes, Khaled El Qasem, Payton Feldman, Jackson Gehring, Camryn Hagl, Justin Hauser, Isaiah Hill, Kaylee Hill, Conner Puccini, Serenity Robertson, Jonathan Romero, Lauryn Russell, Bella Scalia, Austin Sellers, Isaiah Shields, Ben St. Clair, Ben Walden, AJ Wendland, Nick Yun




Sarah Addison, Miranda Barton, Jill Bermas, Lazlo Briceno Lopez, Mike Bungabong, Sam Cain, Tu Cao, Joe Delaney, Cody Foss, Katelyn Gerde, Dylan Hodge, Lacey Jones, Thomas Klein, Anna Lemon, Isaac Lindquist, Gabby Mahar, Jaleel Morris, Jack Obermeyer, Ray-Shawn Oglesby, Trisha Paasa, Da'Quann Price, Diamani Rice, Lisa Scalia, Celia Slaughter, Andrew Smith, Mason Stanfield, Non Sy, Lily Tran, Jaiden Wesley, Trey Williams, Melanie Wilzbach




James Adleta, Deon Andrews, Safa Azad, Megan Baker, Brandon Bennett, Zeke Bungabong, Josh Calle, David Cao, Abby Cira, Adam Dearinger, Jacob Dickey, Rajeh El Qasem, Brennan Gehring, Nicholas Harper, Kylie Hiser, Tyren Howard, Will Jasper, Diajah Kidd, Andrew Lemon, Jackie Linville, Malcolm McEwen, Drew Mitchell, Ean Moeller, Brennan Moore, Hunter Nichols, Anita Oranusi, Hannah Osae, Jalen Perry, Tyler Scott, Micah Wilkins




Abby Bandy, Carlos Boyd, Ryan Cartwright, Devonte Faulkner, Jake Fishburn, Kaitlyn Hayes, Jason Hentz, Jason Hogeback, Claire Horne, Greg Jackson, Mikayla Kaminsky, Matthew Kuhl, Cameron Liford, Chandler Marshall, Courtney Moore, Adam Mueller, Brandon Mueller, Mikayla Nutting, Obed Owoo, Trevor Rider, James Russell, Noah Sammons, Fatimah Shabazz, Leigha Smith, Julio Toro




Jenna Ahr, Russell Baldrick, Trevor Barton, Kobe Brown, Michelle Chau, Kari Cole, Taylor Cole, Ceairrah Duffy, Ayman El Qasem, Kyler Famble, Mason Faucett, Marisa Fears, Matthew Fejer, Carter Gehring, Louis Girts, Shawn Green, Maya Gulliford, Joshua Harper, Marilyn Oduogu, Ruth Owoo, Devin Schnur, Philip Son, Taya Sorrells, Malik Spurlin




Rodney Allen, Mylan Baldwin, Austin Bierman, Payton Brown, Delton Colvard, DeAirrez Daniels, Lilly Dominguez, Zachary Garrison, Jared Givens, Deion Goins, Haley Golden, Deja Martin, Thai McCowan, Alyssa Mueller, Matt Paluga, Austin Piotrowski, Cody Roberson, Jakob Rothweiler, Stephanie Russell, Brandon Schon, Nick Spaulding, Corey Stanfield, Emani Thompson, Connor VanSteelandt




Jayme Ahr, Vito Amato, Donielle Anderson, Autumn Beverly, Tanner Biehl, Alex Bungabong, Lexi Campbell, Antenajia Carter, Keonte Chambers, Sterling Clark, Josh Eberhard, Steven Farrell, DaQuan Fletcher, Kelsi Garibay, Hunter Giblin, Ashley Gwinner, Keshun Horton, Briana Leigh, Shannon Linz, Barbie Metzner, Fox Moeller, Cory Roberson, Alex Roelofs, Gage Smith, Jason Sorn, India Williams




Erica Allen, Deonte Barnett, Marcus Bates, Ashley Brown, Brandon Dalton, Jessica Fiorini, RaMar Hairston, Mercedes Heffron, Cameron Horne, Eric Hunn, Jeremy Hurlander, Danielle Johnson-Jones, Jordan Loomis, Kenny Merchant, Nolan Miller, Lakisha Myrick, Dean Newman, Amari Rose-Abdullah, Dillon Salter, Kayla Sammons, Zack Stamper, Jimmy Strunk, Brandon Thompson, Jibri Walker




Alec Beetz, Tony Croslin, Kiara Elliott, Jamilla Huff, Kayla Jackson, Steven Johnson, Vincent Jones, Daniel Marcum, Kayla McDonald, Craig Reed, Nefertiti Robinson, Jacob Ruth, Dion Schierloh, Teron Taylor, Devin Thomas, Tyler Thomas, CJ Thompson, Alysha Wilson




Paige Anderson, Tony Cassero, Adrian Clark, Paul Cordray, Tyson Cunningham, Devin Dudley, Lukas Eberhard, Jordan Hiser, Daija Hughes, Dawann Jones, Nikarra Kurtz, Shelby Lyons, Jaylyn Neri, Jasmine Newman, Travis Shelton, Brian Strickland, Nick Wiggins, DeSean Williams, Jerry Yancy, John Yancy




Scott Bragg, Jennifer Chidlow, Alex DeSelms, Josh Dodson, Micah Dugan, Demarko English, Mike Evans, Kellie Hicks, Genesis Jackson, Kurtis Keller, Lakreisha Kelly, Jacob Lawson, Uke Masango-Dibo, Erica Mathis, Dionne Payne, Mike Smith, Sarah Sneed, Sahara Thomas, Mario Turner, Jordan Watkins, Jessica Woods, Elaysha Wright




Tony Alexander, Chanae Brown, Dyjon Cooper, Danielle Denlinger, Erik Dohme, De’Jon Johnson, Tyler Leggett, Kimmy Linz, Jenny Mach, Michelle Manley, De'Aisha McClelland, Jennifer Nguyen, Michelle Ozolins, Ashley Padgett, Tyler Patterson, Liz Sanders, Lakia Settles, Melanie Smith, Trinh Tran, Janeen Vazquez, Holly Vedder




Nicole Bouldin, Heather Coffey, Brad Dohme, Raven Dyer, Teresa Givan, Karissa Godby, David Hurst, Rachel Kimmey, Ericka King, Shannon Lackey, Tara Linville, Amanda Luther, Lamyla Mathis, Cori Mattstedt, Andi Meister, Danny Muir, Taylor Nicholson, Mike Pfeiffer, Alex Schmidt




Amanda Abel, Denise Carroll, Emili Clark, Shane Coomer, Joshua Dailey, Ryan Fisher, Ashley Gray, Michelle Hambrick, Ashley Hinton, Vera Jones, Ashleigh Schwarm, Brittany Spahn, Allen Stinson, Chris Thompson, Mike Tolliver, Tiffany Wells, Shanice Wilson, Devin Witherspoon




Dom Black, Wendy Boehmler, Jessica Fedler, Lora Hetzer, Brittiany Johnson, Robert Lawson, Erica Morgan, Nicky Rasnick, Melyssa Sherman, Tara Taylor, Ashley Turner, Rochelle Winans, Chrissy Withers