My Finance Class

Welcome to My Finance Class, the official website for Financial Services and BPA at Northwest High School.

College and Career Ready!




Your first step toward a successful future in business & finance starts right here ...




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“FS has been a beautiful and amazing environment which has helped to grow, support, and strengthen me.” 

Noah Denson, 2024

“Financial Services is always an adventure … from Mr. Clark to my other classmates, we have definitely had a memorable journey!” 

Madeline Mecklenborg, 2023

“I have learned that the thing I value most in a class setting is the sense of community and friendships, and that being friends with the people you collaborate with makes the work so much easier. I am going to miss this class a lot, but I can’t wait to see what the future holds for me and my classmates.”

Nikki Jones, 2022

"Four years ago, I made a decision that changed the rest of my life. It changed my experiences, my skillset, and my mindset. Joining Financial Services was the best experience I have ever had."

Trinity Robinson, 2021

"Looking back, joining Financial Services was the best decision I ever made. I can easily say that I wouldn’t be where I am today without it. The class has helped me become prepared for college, break out of my shell, and become more prepared for life."

Jon Romero, 2020

"This class has taught me to dream bigger in every aspect of my life, no matter what direction I may be heading."

Ray-Shawn Oglesby, 2019

“Financial Services has pushed me to work hard and step out of my comfort zone. This program has helped to prepare me for life and I am hopeful for what is in store for my future.”

Brennan Moore, 2018
“This class has done so much more for me than I ever would have expected. In fact, this year is one of the most memorable I have ever had and I will remember it for years to come.”
Trevor Rider, 2017
“Financial Services was everything that I thought it would be when I signed up for the class ... and so much more.”
 Joshua Harper, 2016
“My junior year in Financial Services and the Knights Credit Union has been a great experience and I can’t wait to see what’s in store for my senior year. This class is really getting us prepared for college and beyond.”
 Deja Martin, 2015
“When I look back on my days in high school, most of my memories will come from this class. I’ve gained friends for a lifetime, I’ve reached limits I never thought obtainable, stepped out of my shell, and have done some amazing things.”
   Jayme Ahr, 2014
“Without Financial Services, I do not think I would be as prepared as I am for the college life and just being on my own. The program gives you a head start on the tools necessary for success.”
   Zack Stamper, 2013
“I will always remember my experiences in BPA. I had a blast doing the competitions, traveling, and meeting new people.”
 Antenajia Carter, 2014
“I loved BPA competitions. They were one of the coolest experiences I’ve had.”
 Nick Spaulding, 2015
“Financial Services gave me the realization that I can achieve and conquer anything … I was made for this!”
 Kyler Famble, 2016

“Financial Services and Mr. Clark made high school some of the best years of my life, giving me countless opportunities to succeed and countless opportunities to shine.”

Carlos Boyd, 2017

“It turns out that signing up for FS was the best decision I made in my high school life. This class showed me that I want to major in finance in college. I really love the material and can see myself doing something in business for the rest of my life.”

Andrew Orange Lemon, 2018

"Financial Services changed my life for the better in more ways than I can count."

Melanie Wilzbach, 2019

"Thank you for the best two years of my life!"

Kaleb Amofa, 2020

"One of the best decisions I made in my high school career was to take Financial Services … every day I looked forward to coming to class and being able to learn something new."

Nirmal Phuyal, 2021

“The freedoms and expectations you set for the FS community are unparalleled and I don’t think anything else can match it.”

Ethan Hang, 2022

“Financial Services is by far the best class I have ever taken! I have made so many friendships and unforgettable experiences! This is definitely a class I will never forget!” 

Lauren Humphrey, 2023

“If I had any advice to give anyone interested in taking this class, DO IT you will not regret it!” 

Nick Miller, 2024

“Being in this class has made me step out of my comfort zone and meet so many new people. I’m glad to call everyone around me in FS my family. I have so many memories in this class and I’m definitely going to miss everyone.” 

Abby Butler, 2023

“The answer is simple: TAKE THE CLASS. You will not regret it.” 

Christian Williams, 2022

"My favorite thing about this class was definitely all of the group work. Whether it was writing on the notepads, or doing a skit, it was always so much fun. I had so many laughs coming up with different creative ideas."

Gabrielle Harper, 2021

"I will remember Financial Services because of all the relationships and memories that I’ve made in this class. I will forever be grateful for all of the opportunities that were given to me with the help of this class."

Kaylee Hill, 2020

"FS honestly made my four years of high school some of the best times of my life and I'm not sure where I would be without this class."

Andrew Smith, 2019

“One of my favorite things about this class is the diverse social dynamic, and how there are all different types of people in the room but we all mesh well together.”

Kylie Hiser, 2018

“This school year has definitely been one to remember. Having all my friends in one class was a great experience for me and to have an awesome teacher like Mr. Clark was even better. I’ve learned so many things in a year’s time, it’s absurd.”

Chandler Marshall, 2017
“This class was no ordinary class. We were all like one big family in Financial Services.”
Kobe Brown, 2016
“Financial Services has definitely prepared me for the next chapter of my life.”
 Haley Golden, 2015
“BPA has been such a great experience and I encourage every student to join and try their best in competitions. State and Nationals are the most fun you’ll ever have at a school function!”
Kelsi Garibay, 2014
“This class is full of great life experiences and lessons. I hope that everyone who takes this class gets the same great experience as I did.”
 Jeremy Hurlander, 2013
“I am so grateful for having the opportunity to come to Financial Services everyday ready to learn something new and interesting!”
Ashley Gwinner, 2014
“Not only has Financial Services been a learning experience, it has been a growing experience.”
 Lilly Dominguez, 2015
“Financial Services has helped me to grow both as a person and a leader.”
  Carter Gehring, 2016
“This class has been the most interesting and enjoyable class that I have ever been in. It has taught me so much, and given me so many different opportunities.”
Claire Horne, 2017

College & Career Ready

Financial Services offers a truly unique atmosphere. Students learn interesting material in a fast-paced, interactive environment. Teamwork, effective communication techniques, and time management skills are learned through extensive involvement in classroom projects and activities. Students gain valuable leadership skills and have the opportunity to compete at regional, state, and national levels as members of Business Professionals of America. And most importantly, Financial Services prepares students for a successful transition to many exciting college majors and careers.


Juniors and seniors in Financial Services will earn college credits through College Credit Plus for college-level business and finance classes at Cincinnati State. In addition to your high school credits, you’ll receive 9 semester hours of transcripted college credit for FS. You must qualify for CCP with Cincinnati State, but there is no cost to students for these credits. Since you are actually taking college classes, will be able to transfer your CCP credits to any college you choose. 

College and Career Ready!


Financial Services makes you stand out on your college applications! Many high achieving students, like you, are spending a lot of time thinking about what they can do to get into the very best college possible. There is no doubt that being admitted to a good college requires you to stand out from your peers. You may also be exploring what you want to study and what career path will satisfy you personally and professionally. Standing out on your college application and gaining a firmer grasp on your future path are among the many important benefits of being in Financial Services.


Financial Services prepares students for a successful transition to many exciting college majors and careers:


Possible College Majors

  • Finance
  • Economics
  • Accounting
  • Management
  • Marketing
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Hospitality & Tourism
  • International Business
  • Real Estate
  • Pre-Law
  • Information Technology

Possible Careers

  • Stock Broker
  • Investment Banker
  • Accountant
  • Lawyer
  • Economist
  • Consultant
  • Financial Analyst
  • Insurance Agent
  • Money Manager
  • Realtor
  • Entrepreneur
Ohio State Field Trip


Financial Services gets you ready to succeed in college and beyond. Traditionally, most of our Financial Services graduates go on to college. Many of these students leave high school with college credits and/or scholarships as a result of their success in this program. If you're serious about college, and you're interested in business, then your choice is clear.

These resources are here to help you plan for college and find scholarships to help pay for it!

Get Schooled:

TG Adventures in Education:

College Scholarships:

BLS Career Information:

Know How 2 Go:

YOUniversityTV College Video Tours: 


Undergrad Success:

Common App:

College Essay Advisor:

UC Market Madness


SAT or ACT? Most colleges accept SAT or ACT scores, so you may wonder if you should take the SAT, ACT or both exams. Many students score similarly on the ACT and SAT. However, the tests do assess different information and problem solving skills, so it's not unusual to do better on one exam than the other. Key exam differences are outlined below:

Aptitude vs. Achievement. The SAT was designed as an aptitude test - it tests your reasoning and verbal abilities, not what you've learned in school. The ACT, on the other hand, is an achievement test. It is meant to test what you have learned in school.

Test Length. The ACT has 215 questions plus the optional essay. The SAT has 170 questions plus the required essay. The actual testing time for the ACT with essay is 3 hours and 25 minutes while the SAT takes 3 hours and 20 minutes.

ACT Science. One of the biggest differences between the ACT and SAT is that the ACT has a science test that includes questions in areas such as biology, chemistry, physics and earth science . However, you don't need to be a science whiz to do well on the ACT. In fact, the science test is really assessing your ability to read and understand graphs, scientific hypotheses, and research summaries. Students who do well with critical reading often do well on the Science Reasoning Test.

Writing Skills Differences. Grammar is important for both the SAT and ACT, so students taking either exam should know rules for subject/verb agreement, proper pronoun usage, identifying run-ons and so on. However, the emphasis in each exam is a little different. The ACT places more emphasis on punctuation.

ACT Trigonometry. The ACT has a few questions that require trigonometry. The SAT does not. ACT trig is pretty basic, but you should go into the exam understanding how to use sine and cosine.

The SAT Guessing Penalty. The SAT was designed so that random guessing hurts your overall score. If you can eliminate at least one answer, you should guess, but otherwise you should leave the answer blank. The ACT has no guessing penalty.

SAT Vocabulary. The SAT critical reading sections place more emphasis on vocabulary than the ACT English sections. If you have good language skills but a not-so-great vocabulary, the ACT might be the better exam for you.

SAT Prep Questions                        ACT Prep Questions

Finances 101


Glassdoor  "an inside look at jobs and companies" (salary details, company reviews, and interview questions):  "career intelligence" (provides in-depth intelligence on what it's really like to work in an industry, company, or profession - and how to get the job):

PayScale  "know what you're worth" (information on salaries in different careers):

Indeed  "one search. all jobs." (search all job postings on the internet in one location):  "find better" (job search, career advice):

MonsterCollege  "graduate into your career" (resume/interview/cover letter tips, college advice, scholarship search, and more):  "empowering employment" (job search, research, advice):

InternMatch  "find your focus" (college internship search, interview prep, career research):

Careers in Finance  (from Investopedia):

Virtual Presentations




Fast Company:


Inc. Magazine:

Young Entrepreneur:





Small Business Administration: 



Startup Grind:


LoopNet (Real Estate):

Floor Plan Creator:


Barbers on the Go


Phone Doctor Now

Chapter Awards at NLC

