My Finance Class

Welcome to My Finance Class, the official website for Financial Services and BPA at Northwest High School.

Welcome to FS!




Your first step toward a successful future in business & finance starts right here ...




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“FS is the reason I started growing as a person. I found out who I truly was because of your class.”

Deakon Johnstone, 2024

“I always say this, but before joining Financial Services, I had no idea of what I wanted to do in college. Once I became a part of the FS Fam, I knew I had found my place, my people.”

Megan Carroll, 2023

“I’ve learned and grown so much throughout this program. You taught us how to have confidence and to believe in ourselves, even when no one else does. You’ve also shown us with hard work anything is possible, the sky's the limit!”

Angel Soriano, 2022

"On the first day of school it was clear to me that Financial Services was going to give me a lifetime worth of memories to hold on to."

Diego Neri, 2021

"Life is full of memories and moments, and Financial Services has given me so many of them!" 

Nick Yun, 2020

"My journey through Financial Services has been one that has changed my life forever." 

Anna Lemon, 2019

“Financial Services isn’t just a business class, it’s a life class.” 

Brennan Gehring, 2018

“Every day in Financial Services was a new experience and fun in its own way. I have learned so much throughout the whole year that I’ll be able to use in the real world for the rest of my life.”

Carlos Boyd, 2017
“This year in Financial Services has been life changing. This class opened my eyes to a whole new world of opportunities.”
Mason Faucett, 2016
“Looking back, my decision to take Financial Services was one of the best choices I have made in my high school career. I am truly blessed to be in such a great program with great friends and a great teacher.”
Matt Paluga, 2015
“I will remember this class because not only was I educated in the basic principles of what my future career will be, I was also educated in the basic principles of being a professional, a good student, and a responsible leader.”
Alex Bungabong, 2014
“Financial Services has changed my life in ways that I never had imagined before entering the course. The class has taught me so much about business and finance, helped me make new friends, given me new opportunities, taught me how to effectively lead and present myself, and most importantly, helped me to reach the college of my dreams.”
Kenny Merchant, 2013
“Financial Services was the best class that I ever took. This whole class was like a family and there was never a dull moment.”
Keonte Chambers, 2014
“The people in this class have impacted my life in a very positive way, and the learning environment is terrific. It’s such a positive zone.”
Haley Golden, 2015
“Through Financial Services, I had the opportunity to meet and network with many business executives, including the CEO of General Electric (one of the most powerful CEOs in the world). What other class could offer this?”
Russell Baldrick, 2016

“My first year in FS has been a success and I have learned so much. I can truly say that it is the only class I learn something new and helpful in every day. Looking back on it, applying to FS may have been one of the best decisions I have made so far in my life.”

Jason Hentz, 2017

“Financial Services is more than a class … it has provided numerous experiences that have helped me develop as a person. I definitely would not be the person I am today if it wasn’t for Mr. Clark.”

James Adleta, 2018

"I would really just like to thank Mr. Clark for everything he has ever done for me."

Andrew Smith, 2019

"One thing I really loved about financial services is that there were students enrolled from both Northwest and Colerain. This gave me a chance to meet a lot of new people and make some great new friends."

Simon Coffey, 2020

"My favorite thing about this class was the fun memories everyday with Mr.Clark and the rest of the group. The amount of love and friendship is second to none in any class I've ever been in .. the fun videos, movies, and food Mr.Clark provided for us was all a blessing."

David Russell, 2021

“The friendly banter and Mr. Clark’s ability to make everyone feel included and welcomed made FS one of the most impactful courses I’ve taken during high school.”

Landden Hill, 2022

“Clark always finds a way to make someone laugh, I don't know how but he just does.”

Cam Partin, 2023

“I feel like it was yesterday that I first stepped in FS to start my junior year. The journey is over now, but a new one has begun, a journey where I am applying everything I have learned.”

Diego Villagran, 2024

“Thank you Clark for always being there and for encouraging me. You always gave me that extra push I needed just to get to the next level.”

Mike Jones, 2023

“What really made me want to take Financial Services was the teacher and the people in here. It’s like a family and the class is super fun.” 

Adam Rowland, 2022

"I’ll remember this class for the rest of my life for sure. You teach students things that’ll help us beyond high school and beyond college. I can’t wait to apply everything I’ve learned to the life I have yet to live."

Keith Love, 2021

"Mr.Clark, is not just a teacher, he is family and he treats everyone of his students as his own kids."

Camryn Hagl, 2020

"Financial Services helped me grow so much as a person that I really don't recognize myself compared to when I began."

Joe Delaney, 2019

“My personal journey in BPA began as a freshman, and over the past four years this organization has taught me so much about leadership, perseverance … and myself.”

Nick Harper, 2018

“My junior year in Financial Services is a year I’ll never forget. This class has really opened up my eyes and made me realize the opportunities available to us. I look forward to going to Financial Services every day.” 

Courtney Moore, 2017

“I can honestly say that Financial Services was the best choice I ever made in high school. I have learned so much about business, I have become a better leader, and now I feel prepared for my future.”

Joshua Harper, 2016

“Joining Financial Services was a decision that basically shaped my whole high school career. This class has taught me so much and has opened so many doors for me.”

Jared Givens, 2015

“To say Financial Services was meaningful to me would be an understatement; this class practically changed me as a person, and changed my whole outlook on life.”

Gage Smith, 2014
“You can’t be in a bad mood in this class; no matter how hard you try, someone is going to make you laugh.”

Kayla Sammons, 2013

“Financial Services meant the world to me through my senior year. During a time when big decisions are needed, life paths are chosen, and dreams are the most important, FS tied all these together to show me my future.”

Fox Moeller, 2014

“Signing up for FS was one of the best decisions I ever made. I’ve learned so much this year and gained so many good memories."

Rodney Allen, 2015

“Financial Services was my favorite class, not only because of what we learned, but also because of the people in it and the teacher teaching it. Going in, I heard a lot of good things about the class and this year showed me why everyone wanted to get into Financial Services.”

Ayman El Qasem, 2016

“Out of all my years in school, Mr. Clark is by far my favorite teacher. He has taught me so much about life and about the business industry … and I can’t wait to see what he has in store for us during my senior year!”

Adam Mueller, 2017

“My time in Mr. Clark’s Financial Services class was the time that I grew the most as a person. I’ve learned so many things, from starting a business and managing it, to dressing professionally and how to tie a tie. This class has made a huge impact on my life in countless ways.”

Zeke Bungabong, 2018

"My time in Financial Services has been and will be one of my favorite experiences that I had in high school."

Jack Obermeyer, 2019

"If it weren’t for you, Clarky, there would be so much unlocked potential in me still."

Carleigh Boyd, 2020

"This class has been the best I've ever taken in my life without a question. The guidance and knowledge that you've provided has been some of the most important in my life."

Robbie Brockert, 2021

“I can't wait to get out in the real world and use all the skills and lessons you taught us in class!”

Lenya Hooper, 2022

“Clark is by far one of the greatest and most memorable teachers I’ve had in my 12 years of schooling; the guy was a comedian for us and a great mentor for any aspect of life.” 

Jeremy Cheatham, 2023

“Financial Services has truly prepared me for my next steps in life, and I am ready to tackle my next challenges with a positive attitude and with the knowledge and skills that I have obtained” 

Hannah Childs, 2024

Financial Services


A two-year business program designed for college-bound juniors and seniors ...


Financial Services Honors/CCP is a college-prep business program designed for juniors and seniors who are interested in pursuing college majors and future careers in business and finance. Students explore every aspect of business, including economics and entrepreneurship, business law and international business, saving and investing, real estate and credit, insurance and risk management, corporate finance and accounting. Students will become experienced in all of the latest technology applications used in business today. Students will improve their communication skills, hone their leadership abilities, and develop strategies for working successfully in teams. And most importantly, they will be prepared for a successful transition to many exciting college majors and careers.  

Financial Services can be taken as either an honors course or a CCP course. Students are initially added into the honors section of the program and then they can apply for CCP in the fall of their junior and senior years. College credits are offered through Cincinnati State for the following courses:  

  • Strategic Entrepreneurship: College Course - MGT 120 Entrepreneurship. 
  • Financial Accounting: College Course - ACC 101 Financial Accounting.
  • Fundamentals of Financial Services: College Course - FIN 100 Personal Finance.

Students enrolled in Financial Services for CCP credit will receive 5.0 AP weighting from NWLSD. In total, students in Financial Services can earn 9 college credits at no cost to parents. These credits can be transferred to most colleges in the US. Butler Tech pays the tuition for these college credits.   





Personal Finance
Business Finance


Strategic Entrepreneurship
Financial Accounting
Cincinnati State


An introductory business class designed to prepare students for Financial Services ... 


Financial Foundations is a semester-long course that provides students with an introduction to the exciting world of finance. Students investigate the business environment, our economy, money management, and business law in a fast-paced, interactive atmosphere. Students explore micro and macro economics through hands-on projects that put these ideas into practice. Students learn how to budget their money, save and invest, protect themselves with insurance, and use credit wisely. And students learn how to navigate the legal system and contract law. This class is designed as an introduction to finance for freshmen and sophomores (but any students are welcome to sign up). 




Financial Foundations



The student organization for all business courses at Northwest High School ... 


Business Professionals of America is the premier CTSO (Career and Technical Student Organization) for students pursuing careers in business management, finance, information technology, and other related career fields. Nationwide, BPA has 45,000 members in over 1,800 chapters in 25 states and Puerto Rico. In Ohio, BPA has 8,500 secondary, post-secondary, and middle-level members across 18 regions. And Northwest Finance BPA has 100 students involved through the Financial Services program and Financial Foundations. Being part of BPA will be one of the most rewarding aspects of your business class. Through this involvement, you will build lasting relationships, gain real-life skills, participate in competitive events, develop leadership, connect with business people, and have opportunities to travel to conferences.







The student-run financial institution at Northwest High School ...


The Knights Credit Union is a joint venture between Cincinnati Police Federal Credit Union and Northwest Local School District and is staffed by students in the Financial Services program. The students who work in the KCU branch have the opportunity to experience the financial services profession first hand, by opening accounts, assisting students with their banking transactions, and providing personal financial education to their fellow students at Northwest. Some of these students also have the ability to work at the COPFCU branch on Springdale Road after school and during the summer. We are excited to be participating in this project and have our students gain this valuable experience. 






Teaching financial literacy skills and decision making to elementary students...


StEP is an innovative elementary school program that equips students with 21st century skills, including creativity, entrepreneurship, critical-thinking, innovation, and financial responsibility. Teachers and students at local elementary schools design and operate functioning market economies. Students form their own government, develop student-run businesses, earn, spend, save, and invest school currency. Quarterly school stores allow students to make the decision whether to buy products or save their money. Through this process, students learn money management. 




  Student Enterprise Program


Butler Tech is redefining education in our district...  


Northwest Local School District has partnered with Butler Tech to deliver all of the district's career programs, including Financial Services. This means that all the latest technology and business applications will be made available to the students in this program. As one of the largest career-technical schools in Ohio, Butler Tech has the resources and the experience to help you build the future you want through state-of-the-art education programs, like Financial Services. We want to be part of your success story!







 Chill Clark 


My name is Peter Clark and I'm the Financial Services instructor at Northwest High School. I grew up in the Cincinnati area and returned 20 years ago to be closer to family and to become a teacher in my home town. Before this move, I worked for 14 years as an investment banker and consultant in New York, Chicago, St. Louis, and Cleveland. During that time, I advised hundreds of companies - from entrepreneurial startups to Fortune 500 corporations - and helped them raise capital to grow their businesses. As far as education goes, I went to the College of William & Mary in Virginia and graduated from their business school with a degree in Finance. I thoroughly enjoyed my years on Wall Street, but my true passion in life is teaching. I am thrilled to have the opportunity to share my experience and enthusiasm for business with students in our district.





Bell Schedule




Business Card






Financial Services BT Brochure


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"Capture the Moment"

Capture the Moment



The 2024-25 school year marks the 20th anniversary of the Financial Services program at Northwest High School. That's 20 years of educating future business professionals, 20 years of leadership and service experiences, and 20 years of memories. What's happened in these 20 years? Quite a bit. Here's a quick summary of the program over the years ...




Orlando, FL


Started FS 



New York, NY

10 SLC




Reno, NV

17 SLC




Dallas, TX

17 SLC

 Built Playground



Anaheim, CA

23 SLC / 17 NLC




Washington, DC

23 SLC / 17 NLC




Chicago, IL

15 SLC / 3 NLC

 Built Playground



Orlando, FL

26 SLC / 6 NLC

Started KCU



Indianapolis, IN

15 SLC / 10 NLC

1 State Officer
Started StEP



Anaheim, CA

25 SLC / 7 NLC

1 State Officer
 Started Fin101



Boston, MA

34 SLC / 13 NLC

1 State Officer



Orlando, FL
29 SLC / 14 NLC
1 State Officer
1 National Officer



Dallas, TX

38 SLC / 20 NLC

2 State Officers
1 National Officer



Anaheim, CA

39 SLC / 16 NLC

4 State Officers
1 National Officer



Washington, DC


3 State Officers




 19 SLC / 4 NLC

 1 State Officer



Dallas, TX

31 SLC / 11 NLC

4 State Officers



Anaheim, CA

39 SLC / 8 NLC

2 State Officers



Chicago, IL

29 SLC / 2 NLC



Orlando, FL

Just wait

and see!!!


State Officers


Our chapter has earned several of BPA's highest honors over the years, including the Ohio Professional Cup / Chapter of the Year, the Quality Chapter Distinction, and the following BPA Cares Awards in 2024: 

Community Service Marketing and Public Relations Award of Excellence Safety Awareness Special Olympics


Over the years, we've had over 180 BPA chapter meetings (with 2,500 pizzas). These meetings were run by our executive officers, including the Northwest BPA Chapter Presidents shown below ... Chrissy, Shanice, Nicole, Lakia, Jacob, John, Jacob, Kenny, Alex, Brandon, Russell, Carlos, Nick, Gabby, Carleigh, Trinity, Myles, Shakilah, Hannah, and Izaki. 

Local Presidents

Check out the class pictures from all of our Financial Services classes on the Photo Gallery page of this website. It's been a wild ride ... and I'm looking forward to many more crazy experiences with the students in Financial Services!